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Sign Up to Our Kids Summer Camps

Sign Up to Our Kids Summer Camps

Damian Houston28 Jun 2023 - 19:48
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Free Football Sessions Return to Auchtermuchty

Auchtermuchty Bellvue Colts Football Club are providing an opportunity for children in Primary 1 to Primary 7 to participate in a free Summer football camp.

The camp will be led by Auchtermuchty Bellvue Colts coaches and young leaders - ensuring your child will have the best experience at this camp. The sessions will take place outdoors on grass at Low Road Park, Auchtermuchty and are designed to give all participants a fun experience of football.

The camps will take place on the following dates and times:

Friday 14th July - 09.30am - 12:30pm
Friday 21st July - 09.30am - 12:30pm

There is no cost to participants for attending the sessions.

ALL participants should arrive already wearing sports kit suitable to play football with a snack and a water bottle - with their name clearly labelled. The sessions will be on grass so football boots and shinguards are recommended but not essential. Please ensure your child is dressed to participate in all weather conditions.

On arrival at the session, you will be asked to confirm your name at our registration area - please note that you are responsible for the safe drop-off and return of your child from the camp at the end of each camp day and that your child is expected to be collected from Low Road Park by a parent /guardian at the end of each session.

As a result of current guidance in relation to safe participation in sport from the Scottish Government, NHS Scotland, Fife Education and the Scottish Football Association ; sessions may be cancelled due to adverse weather or you may be contacted to collect your child(ren) from the sessions if there are concerns regarding their health or behaviour.

If you wish for your child to take part in these sessions could you please complete the Booking/Parental Consent Form.

Please submit a form for each child separately - multiple children submitted on the same form will be not be considered - there will be a maximum of 100 spaces available for each date.

Please note your application is an expression of interest and does not guarantee a place - we will be in touch to confirm whether your child has a place or not.

Many thanks for your participation and support.

Best regards,

Mark Clunie
Auchtermuchty Bellvue Colts Football Club

email :
Facebook : Auchtermuchty Bellvue Colts
Website :
Text : 07817 916 091

Further reading